MOGDx Module

import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import sys  
sys.path.insert(0, './MAIN/')
from utils import *
from GNN_MME import *
from train import *
import preprocess_functions

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold 
import networkx as nx
import torch
from datetime import datetime
import joblib
import warnings
import gc

print("Finished Library Import \n")

def main(args): 
    # Check if output directory exists, if not create it
    if not os.path.exists(args.output) : 
        os.makedirs(args.output, exist_ok=True)
    # Specify the device to use
    device = torch.device('cpu' if args.no_cuda else 'cuda') # Get GPU device name, else use CPU
    print("Using %s device" % device)

    if not R_workflow : 
        # Load data and metadata
        datModalities , meta = data_parsing_python(args.input , args.modalities , , args.index_col)

        # Load Network
        graph_file = args.input + '/' + '_'.join(args.modalities) + '_graph.graphml'
        g = nx.read_graphml(graph_file)
    else : 
        # Load data and metadata
        datModalities , meta = data_parsing_R(args.input , args.modalities , , args.index_col)

        # Load Network
        graph_file = args.input + '/' + '_'.join(args.modalities) + '_graph.csv'
        g = network_from_csv(graph_file , False)
        nx.set_node_attributes(g , meta.astype('category') , 'label')

    meta = meta.loc[sorted(meta.index)]

    # Generate K Fold splits
    if args.no_shuffle : 
        skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=args.n_splits , shuffle=False) 
    else :
        skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=args.n_splits , shuffle=True) 


    # Order model inputs and identify subjects in each modality
    subjects_list = [list(set(g.nodes) & set(datModalities[mod].index)) for mod in datModalities]
    h = [torch.from_numpy(datModalities[mod].loc[subjects_list[i]].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32)).to(device) for i , mod in enumerate(datModalities) ]
    MME_input_shapes = [ datModalities[mod].shape[1] for mod in datModalities]
    del datModalities

    # Get the unique labels in the metadata
    labels = F.one_hot(torch.Tensor(list(meta.astype('category')

    output_metrics = []
    test_logits = []
    test_labels = []
    for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(skf.split(meta.index, meta)) :

        # Initialize model
        model = GCN_MME(MME_input_shapes , args.latent_dim , args.decoder_dim , args.h_feats  , len(node_subjects.unique())).to(device)

         # Split training data into training and validation sets
        train_index , val_index = train_test_split(
            train_index, train_size=0.8, test_size=None, stratify=meta.iloc[train_index]

        # Train the model
        loss_plot = train(g, h , subjects_list , train_index , val_index , device ,  model , labels , 2000 , 1e-3 , 100)
        plt.title(f'Loss for split {i}')
        save_path = args.output + '/loss_plots/'
        os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True)
        plt.savefig(f'{save_path}loss_split_{i}.png' , dpi = 200)

        # Evaluate the model
        test_output_metrics = evaluate(test_index , device , g , h , subjects_list , model , labels )

            "Fold : {:01d} | Test Accuracy = {:.4f} | F1 = {:.4f} ".format(
            i+1 , test_output_metrics[1] , test_output_metrics[2] )
        # Save the test logits and labels for later analysis
        # Save the output metrics and best performing model
        if i == 0 : 
            best_model = model
            best_idx = i
        elif output_metrics[best_idx][1] < test_output_metrics[1] : 
            best_model = model
            best_idx   = i

        del model
        print('Clearing gpu memory')
    # Save the output metrics to a file   
    accuracy = []
    F1 = []
    output_file = args.output + '/' + "test_metrics.txt"
    with open(output_file , 'w') as f :
        i = 0
        for metric in output_metrics :
            i += 1
            f.write("Fold %i \n" % i)
            f.write(f"acc = %2.3f , avg_prc = %2.3f , avg_recall = %2.3f , avg_f1 = %2.3f" % 
                    (metric[1] , metric[3] , metric[4] , metric[2]))
        f.write("%i Fold Cross Validation Accuracy = %2.2f \u00B1 %2.2f \n" %(args.n_splits , np.mean(accuracy)*100 , np.std(accuracy)*100))
        f.write("%i Fold Cross Validation F1 = %2.2f \u00B1 %2.2f \n" %(args.n_splits , np.mean(F1)*100 , np.std(F1)*100))

    print("%i Fold Cross Validation Accuracy = %2.2f \u00B1 %2.2f" %(5 , np.mean(accuracy)*100 , np.std(accuracy)*100))
    print("%i Fold Cross Validation F1 = %2.2f \u00B1 %2.2f" %(5 , np.mean(F1)*100 , np.std(F1)*100))
    # Get the current date
    current_date =

    # Extract month and day as string names
    month = current_date.strftime('%B')[:3]  # Full month name
    day =
    save_path = args.output + '/Models/'
    os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True){
        'model_state_dict': best_model.state_dict(),
        # You can add more information to save, such as training history, hyperparameters, etc.
    }, f'{save_path}GCN_MME_model_{month}{day}' )
    if args.no_output_plots : 
        cmplt = confusion_matrix(test_logits , test_labels , meta.astype('category').cat.categories)
        plt.title('Test Accuracy = %2.1f %%' % (np.mean(accuracy)*100))
        output_file = args.output + '/' + "confusion_matrix.png"
        plt.savefig(output_file , dpi = 300)
        precision_recall_plot , all_predictions_conf = AUROC(test_logits, test_labels , meta)
        output_file = args.output + '/' + "precision_recall.png"
        precision_recall_plot.savefig(output_file , dpi = 300)

        node_predictions = []
        display_label = meta.astype('category').cat.categories
        for pred in all_predictions_conf.argmax(1)  : 

        pd.DataFrame({'Actual' : meta.loc[list(nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'idx').keys())] , 'Predicted' : node_predictions}).to_csv(args.output + '/Predictions.csv')

def construct_parser():
    Construct the argument parser for MOGDx.

        argparse.ArgumentParser: The argument parser object.

    # Training settings
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MOGDx')
    parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int, default=100, metavar='N',
                        help='number of epochs to train (default: 10)')
    parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.1, metavar='LR',
                        help='learning rate (default: 1.0)')
    parser.add_argument('--patience', type=float, default=100,
                        help='Early Stopping Patience (default: 100 batches of 5 -> equivalent of 100*5 = 500)')
    #parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=0.7, metavar='M',
    #                    help='Learning rate step gamma (default: 0.7)')
    parser.add_argument('--no-cuda', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help='disables CUDA training')
    #parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None, metavar='S',
    #                    help='random seed (default: random number)')
    #parser.add_argument('--log-interval', type=int, default=10, metavar='N',
    #                    help='how many batches to wait before logging '
    #                    'training status')
    parser.add_argument('--no-output-plots', action='store_false' , default=True,
                        help='Disables Confusion Matrix and TSNE plots')
    parser.add_argument('--split-val', action='store_false' , default=True,
                        help='Disable validation split on AE and GNN')
    parser.add_argument('--no-shuffle', action='store_true' , default=False,
                        help='Disable shuffling of index for K fold split')
    parser.add_argument('--psn-only', action='store_true' , default=False,
                        help='Dont train on any node features')
    parser.add_argument('--no-psn', action='store_true' , default=False,
                        help='Dont train on PSN (removal of edges)')
    parser.add_argument('--val-split-size', default=0.85 , type=float , help='Validation split of training set in'
                        'each k fold split. Default of 0.85 is 60/10/30 train/val/test with a 10 fold split')
    parser.add_argument('--index-col' , type=str , default='', 
                        help ='Name of column in input data which refers to index.'
                        'Leave blank if none.')
    parser.add_argument('--n-splits' , default=10 , type=int, help='Number of K-Fold'
                        'splits to use')
    parser.add_argument('--h-feats' , default=64 , type=int , help ='Integer specifying hidden dim of GNN'
                        'specifying GNN layer size')
    parser.add_argument('--decoder-dim' , default=64 , type=int , help ='Integer specifying dim of common '
                        'layer to all modalities')
    #parser.add_argument('--layers' , default=[64 , 64], nargs="+" , type=int , help ='List of integrs'
    #                    'specifying GNN layer sizes')
    #parser.add_argument('--layer-activation', default=['elu' , 'elu'] , nargs="+" , type=str , help='List of activation'
    #                    'functions for each GNN layer')
    parser.add_argument('--R', action='store_true' , default=False,
                    help='Execute from the R workflow')

    parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', required=True, help='Path to the '
                        'input data for the model to read')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True, help='Path to the '
                        'directory to write output to')
    parser.add_argument('-mod', '--modalities', required=True, help='Name of the'
                        'modalities to include in the integration. Must be a list of strings')
    parser.add_argument('-ld' , '--latent-dim', required=True, nargs="+", type=int , help='List of integers '
                        'corresponding to the length of hidden dims of each data modality')
    parser.add_argument('--target' , required = True , help='Column name referring to the'
                        'disease classification label')
    return parser

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = construct_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()