Processing in R

Step 1 - Preprocessing

Create a folder called for the dataset e.g. TCGA, and within this folder create a folder for each project.

Run the R script Preprocessing.R specifying the phenotypical trait and project, checking to ensure the paths point to the created data folder.

Save each modalities processed folder with naming convention modality_processed.RData.

The options are
project = ‘BRCA’
trait = ‘paper_paper_BRCA_Subtype_PAM50’

project = ‘LGG’
trait = ‘paper_Grade’

project = ‘KIPAN’
trait = ‘subtype’

Step 2 - Graph Generation

Point the knn_graph_generation.R to the project folder containing the processed modalities.

Create a folder called raw. This is the folder from which MOGDx will be run.

Use the R script knn_graph_generation.R specifying the phenotypical trait, project and modalities downloaded in the for loop.

Step 3 - SNF

Create a folder called Network outside data
Copy each modalities modality_graph.csv to this folder \

Specify the modalities of interest in the list mod_list

Point the SNF script to the new Network folder

Run the R script SNF.R

Example of directory structure for TCGA

  • data


      • mRNA

        • mRNA.rda

      • miRNA

        • miRNA.rda

      • processed

        • mRNA_processed.RData

        • miRNA_processed.RData

    • raw

      • datExpr_mRNA.csv

      • datMeta_mRNA.csv

      • datExpr_miRNA.csv

      • datMeta_miRNA.csv

    • Network

      • mRNA_graph.csv

      • miRNA_graph.csv

      • mRNA_miRNA_graph.csv