Preprocess Functions
This document contains the functions used to process data in the MOGDx pipeline.
Import Libraries
Remove NAs from trait data
removeTraitNAs <- function(traitDF, otherDFs, trait) {
rowsToKeep <- ![[trait]])
traitDF <- traitDF[rowsToKeep, ]
otherDFs <- lapply(otherDFs, function(df) {
if ( || is.matrix(df)) {
df[rowsToKeep, ]
} else if (is.null(df)) {
# For example, if foldID is NULL in cvTrait
} else {
# Assumes df is a vector
list(traitDF = traitDF, otherDFs = otherDFs)
Perform cross validated lasso regression on trait of interest
cvTrait <- function(trainMethyl, trainPhenotypes, trait, nFolds) {
print(paste0('Removing rows with missing ', trait, ' from training data.'))
trainRemoveNAResult <- removeTraitNAs(trainPhenotypes, list(trainMethyl = trainMethyl), trait)
trainPhenotypes <- trainRemoveNAResult$traitDF
trainMethyl <- trainRemoveNAResult$otherDFs$trainMethyl
print('Fitting lasso model')
methylModel <- cv.glmnet(x = trainMethyl,
y = as.factor(trainPhenotypes[[trait]]),
seed = 42,
family = 'multinomial',
type.measure = "class",
alpha = 1,
nFolds = nFolds,
parallel = TRUE, = 1)
list(trait = trait, model = methylModel)
Perfrorm differential expression analysis and return differentially expressed genes
diff_expr <- function(count_mtx , datMeta , trait , n_genes , modality) {
# Remove Genes with low level of expression -------------------------------
to_keep = rowSums(count_mtx) > 0 #removed 1157 genes
print(paste0('Removing ',length(to_keep) - sum(to_keep),' Genes with all 0'))
count_mtx <- count_mtx[to_keep,]
datExpr <- count_mtx
if (modality != 'miRNA') {
to_keep = filterByExpr(datExpr , group = datMeta[[trait]])
print(paste0('keeping ',sum(to_keep) ,' genes'))
print(paste0("Removing ",length(to_keep) - sum(to_keep)," Genes"))
count_mtx = count_mtx[to_keep,]
# Remove Outliers ---------------------------------------------------------
print('removing outliers')
absadj = count_mtx %>% bicor %>% abs
netsummary = fundamentalNetworkConcepts(absadj)
ku = netsummary$Connectivity
z.ku = (ku-mean(ku))/sqrt(var(ku))
to_keep = z.ku > -2
print(paste0("Keeping ",sum(to_keep)," Samples"))
print(paste0("Removed ",length(to_keep) - sum(to_keep), " Samples"))
count_mtx <- count_mtx[,to_keep] #removed 36
datMeta <- datMeta[to_keep,]
# Normalisation Using DESeq -----------------------------------------------
plot_data = data.frame('ID'=rownames(count_mtx), 'Mean'=rowMeans(count_mtx), 'SD'=apply(count_mtx,1,sd))
plot_data %>% ggplot(aes(Mean, SD)) + geom_point(color='#0099cc', alpha=0.1) + geom_abline(color='black') +
scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10() + theme_minimal() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
datMeta[[trait]] <- as.factor(datMeta[[trait]])
dds = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count_mtx, colData = datMeta , design = formula(paste("~ 0 +",trait)))
print('performing DESeq')
dds = DESeq(dds)
# DEA Plots ---------------------------------------------------------------
DE_info = results(dds)
DESeq2::plotMA(DE_info, main= 'Original LFC values')
# VST Transformation of Data ----------------------------------------------
nsub_check = sum( rowMeans( counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)) > 5 )
if (nsub_check < 1000) {
vsd = vst(dds , nsub= nsub_check)
} else {
vsd = vst(dds)
datExpr_vst = assay(vsd)
datMeta_vst = colData(vsd)
meanSdPlot(datExpr_vst, plot=FALSE)$gg + theme_minimal() + ylim(c(0,2))
plot_data = data.frame('ID'=rownames(datExpr_vst), 'Mean'=rowMeans(datExpr_vst), 'SD'=apply(datExpr_vst,1,sd))
plot_data %>% ggplot(aes(Mean, SD)) + geom_point(color='#0099cc', alpha=0.2) + geom_smooth(color = 'gray') +
scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10() + theme_minimal()
subtypes <- levels(as.factor(datMeta[[trait]]))
top_genes = c()
for (subtype1 in subtypes[1:length(subtypes)-1]) {
subtypes = subtypes[subtypes != subtype1]
for (subtype2 in subtypes) {
if (subtype1 != subtype2) {
res <- results(dds , contrast = c(trait , subtype1 , subtype2))
top_genes = unique(c(top_genes , head(order(res$padj) , n_genes) ))
list(dds = dds , datExpr = datExpr_vst, datMeta = datMeta_vst , top_genes = top_genes)
Perform K Nearest Neighbour calculation and return igraph object
# calculate euclidean distances between cells
# make a list of edges to k nearest neighbors for each cell
edges <- mat.or.vec(0,2)
for (i in 1:nrow(dist)){
# find closes neighbours
matches <- setdiff(order(dist[i,],decreasing = F)[1:(k+1)],i)
if (length(matches) > k) {
edges <- rbind(edges,cbind(rep(i,length(matches)),matches))
#edges <- rbind(edges,cbind(matches,rep(i,length(matches))))
} else {
edges <- rbind(edges,cbind(rep(i,k),matches))
#edges <- rbind(edges,cbind(matches,rep(i,k)))
# add edges in both directions
#edges <- rbind(edges,cbind(matches,rep(i,k)))
# create a graph from the edgelist
graph <- graph_from_edgelist(edges,directed=F)
V(graph)$frame.color <- NA
# make a layout for visualizing in 2D
Perform KNN graph generation, plot graph and save as long data frame<-function(datExpr , datMeta , trait , top_genes , modality){
if (modality %in% c('mRNA' , 'miRNA')) {
mat <- datExpr[top_genes, ]
} else {
mat <- t(datExpr[ , top_genes[[trait]]])
if (modality %in% c('mRNA' , 'miRNA' , 'DNAm' , 'RPPA' , 'CSF')) {
mat <- mat - rowMeans(mat)
corr_mat <- cor(mat, method="pearson")
} else {
corr_mat <- t(mat)
g <- make.knn.graph(corr_mat , 15)
plot.igraph(g$graph,layout=g$layout, vertex.frame.color='black', vertex.color=as.factor(datMeta[[trait]]),
vertex.size=5,vertex.label=NA, vertex.label.cex = 0.3 , main=modality )
g <- g$graph
g <- simplify(g, remove.multiple=TRUE, remove.loops=TRUE)
# Remove any vertices remaining that have no edges
g <- delete.vertices(g, degree(g)==0)
# Assign names to the graph vertices
V(g)$name <- rownames(datMeta)
V(g)$class <- as.character(datMeta[[trait]])
V(g)$color <- as.numeric(as.factor(V(g)$class))
V(g)$vertex.frame.color <- "black"
Perform KNN on SNF adjacenecy matrix and return igraph object <- function(W , datMeta , trait , idx , sub_mod_list) {
g <- make.knn.graph(W , 15)
plot.igraph(g$graph,layout=g$layout, vertex.frame.color='black', vertex.color=as.numeric(as.factor(datMeta[idx,][[trait]])),
vertex.size=5,vertex.label=NA,main=paste0(sub_mod_list , collapse = '_'))
g <- g$graph
g <- simplify(g, remove.multiple=TRUE, remove.loops=TRUE)
# Remove any vertices remaining that have no edges
g <- delete.vertices(g, degree(g)==0)
# Assign names to the graph vertices
V(g)$name <- rownames(datMeta[idx,])
V(g)$class <- as.character(datMeta[idx,][[trait]])
V(g)$color <- as.numeric(as.factor(V(g)$class))
V(g)$vertex.frame.color <- "black"