Usage reference
The main species_separator
script has a number of command line options to alter the behaviour and function of read assignment:
species_separator <data-type>
[--reads-base-dir=<reads-base-dir>] [--num-threads=<num-threads>]
[--best] [--conservative] [--recall] [--permissive]
<samples-file> <output-dir>
(<species> <species-info>)
(<species> <species-info>)
These parameters are listed and explained below for reference, grouped by their functionality.
These parameters are required as the base minimum for the execution of the pipeline.
(text parameter): One of “dnaseq” or “rnaseq”.<samples-file>
(file path): TSV file giving paths (relative to<reads-base-dir>
) of raw sequencing read data files for each sample.<output-dir>
(file path): Output directory into which the Makefile will be written, and in which species separation will be performed.<species>
(text parameter): Name of the nth species. Note that at least two species must be specified. While there is no theoretical upper bound on the number of species, the depth of sequencing required to obtain enough reads for each species after separation may impose a practical limit.<species-info>
(file paths): Alignment tool information for the nth species. For DNA sequencing data, this parameter should either consist of (i) the path to a Bowtie2 index directory for the species or (ii) a FASTA file containing genome sequences for the species. For RNA sequencing data, the parameter should either consist of (i) the path to the STAR index directory for the species or (ii) a comma separated list of two elements, the first of which is the path to a GTF annotation file for the species, and the second is the path to a directory containing genome FASTA files for the species.
These parameters control the mapping of mixed-species RNA-seq reads to reference genomes.
(file path): Base directory for raw RNA-seq read data files.--mapper-executable
(file path): Specifies the alignment tool executable path — use this option to run Sargasso with a particular version of either Bowtie2 or STAR.--mapper-index-executable
(file path): For DNA sequencing data, specifies the Bowtie2 index building tool path — use this option to run Sargasso with a particular version ofbowtie2-build
(n.b. for RNA sequencing data, this option is ignored).
Assignment criteria and optimisation
These parameters are used to specify criteria that affect how reads are assigned to each species, either by choosing individual values for each parameter or by selecting pre-configured assignment profiles.
(float): Maximum percentage of read bases allowed to be mismatches against the genome during filtering (default: 0).--minmatch-threshold=<minmatch-threshold>
(float): Maximum percentage of read length allowed to not be mapped during filtering (default: 0).--multimap-threshold=<multimap-threshold>
(integer): Maximum number of multiple mappings allowed during filtering (default: 1).--reject-multimaps
(flag): If set, any read which multimaps to any species’ genome will be rejected and not be assigned to any species.--best
(flag): Adopt a filtering strategy that provides an excellent balance between sensitivity and specificity. Note that specifying this option overrides the values of the--mismatch-threshold
options. In addition,--reject-multimaps
is turned off.--conservative
(flag): Adopt a filtering strategy where minimising the number of reads mis-assigned to the wrong species takes foremost priority. Note that specifying this option overrides the values of the--mismatch-threshold
and--multimap-threshold options
. In addition,--reject-multimaps
is turned on.--recall
(flag): Adopt a filtering strategy where sensitivity is prioritised over specificity. Note that specifying this option overrides the values of the--mismatch-threshold
options. In addition,--reject-multimaps
is turned off.--permissive
(flag): Adopt a filtering strategy in which sensitivity is maximised. Note that specifying this option overrides the values of the--mismatch-threshold
options. In addition,--reject-multimaps
is turned off.
These are optional parameters concerning the running of the pipeline.
-t <num-threads> --num-threads=<num-threads>
(integer): Number of threads to use for parallel processing (default: 1).--run-separation
(flag): If specified, species separation will be run; otherwise scripts to perform separation will be created but not run. If the option--run-separation
is not specified, a Makefile is written to the given output directory, via which all stages of species separation can be run under the user’s control. If--run-separation
is specified, however, the Makefile is both written and executed, and all stages of species separation are performed automatically.--log-level=<log-level>
(text parameter): Sets the minimum severity level at which log messages will be output (one of “debug”, “info”, “warning”, “error” or “critical”).--delete-intermediate
(flag): If specified, intermediate BAM files (contain raw mapped and sorted reads) will be deleted.--sambamba-sort-tmp-dir=<sambamba-sort-tmp-dir>
(text parameter): Specify the temporary directory to be used by ‘sambamba sort’ (default:/tmp